Movies and New Media: Mockingjay Part I [Spoiler Free!]

I fell in love with The Hunger Games much later the most people. I believe that you can only be a fan of one Sci-fi/ fantasy series. Mine is Harry Potter, so I had a hard time even accepting that I liked the Hunger Games, but I did. I’ve only read Mockingjay and that’s because I couldn’t bear to wait for the movies to learn what happens. I’ve now seen all three movies.

Needless to say, they’re great. Jennifer Lawrence is amazing. It was wonderful to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman, to whom the movie is dedicated, one last time. I have some complaints, but that’s a different post.

I did notice something. When discussing new media in pop culture, the best place to see it are in movies. One of the huge debates among new media theorists, is that all new media developments are not good. Humanity should be wary of just developing new media without questioning the complete range of potential am uses.

If there was ever an example of new media used for bad, it is in The Hunger Games series.

Those animal creations we see in the arena, i.e. tracker jackets, the communication/surveillance devices, the weaponry used by the Capitol and the Revolution, are all prime examples.

Watching the movies just reminded me of reading Evgeny Morozov’s theory of technical solutionism. Just because we are able to make some technologies doesn’t mean we should make those technologies. We shouldn’t see every advance as beneficial to humanity. It may not be, but we can always hope that the odds are ever in our favor.

For more work by Evgeny Morovoz see the video of his talk for The Gaudian. You can also follow him on Twitter @EvgenyMorovoz


Take all my Software for Free

I was perusing Twitter this morning and came across this article on The Verge. Microsoft will offer the mobile versions of its Office software for free. The article is great but the finish is what caught my attention:

It’s a bold move from Microsoft, but also a defensive one. Microsoft’s competition will now have to look elsewhere to plot their Office attack.

I’d have to agree with the author; Microsoft is attempting to push back against Apple, but in my mind, they’re doing it better. I love Apple with all my heart. I do. However, they are only offering iWork for free to those who purchase new OS X Mavericks devices. People like me, long-term lovers of all things Apple, who own four perfectly good Apple devices, were left out of the excitement.

My point being that Microsoft not only did Microsoft surprise and support their long-term users, the die-hard PC lovers, but they also piqued the interest of Mac users that Apple left behind, like me. Smart move… ball in your court Tim Cook!

Microsoft is clearly playing for keeps. You the real MVP Satya Nadella!

Microsoft is clearly playing for keeps. You the real MVP Satya Nadella!