Introducing Aset Editorial Services Part II

Presentation Review

I worked in non-profit communications and management for three years while employed by the Howard University NASA Beltsville Center for Climate System Observation. The work was incredibly fulfilling. Our grant program recruited and funded students from underserved communities who were pursuing degrees in fields related to NASA. I learned to translate their exclusive science jargon into plain language for a broader audience. This is especially important in the context where the audience’s ability to understand a person’s research and it’s importance affects support and funding.

My favorite of my responsibilities was assisting the students and researchers with preparing their research presentations. A few times each year, our oversight committee would visit our site or our team members would travel to conferences to present research updates.

Five problems consistently emerged:

  • Crowding: too many words and/or images on a slide
  • Timing: focusing on some slides, rushing through others
  • Contrasting: slides do not appear well on screen
  • Imaging: photos or chart poorly placed
  • Glaring: poor quality images

I can help you make the best presentations possible. I will review your content and rework it, if necessary, to improve visibility, as well as format the presentation so that the information is as easy to visually digest as possible.

Thoughts on the Global Pandemic: Comfort

Six months under the ever-present gloom of a pandemic and I am finally learning some new ways to enjoy life safely. 

I am self-isolating alone. That’s not always ideal. Even I, a devoted introvert who committed to this at home lifestyle long before COVID-19, get lonely and miss other people. I made a list of all the things that bring me comfort and joy during these trying times. I wanted to use this moment to get creative with my work environment since it’s my home and I am in control. 

Wearing slippers not shoes: I despise shoes, but I also despise cold feet. I have an extensive selection of cute slippers and fuzzy socks that I get to wear and show off (on FaceTime and Zoom) all the time. No shoes ever anymore.

Warm beverages: *Sheldon Cooper voice* My Keurig is my favorite appliance hands down. I love using it to make coffee, lattes, apple cider, ginger tea, green tea, etc. I have ton of just add water mixes. I also make some from scratch. Now, the weather is cooling. It’s the best.

Mood music: I love to play music while I work. It has to be music without words. My go to options are smooth jazz and classical. I have Apple Music stations that ever just perfect ambient noise. Another option are the scores to my favorite movies. I am currently obsessed with the soundtrack of The Photograph. And I highly recommend the film, if you haven’t seen it. Issa Rae and LaKeith Stanfield are just *chef’s kiss*.

Writing: Doing this. I haven’t had the energy or mental bandwidth to write in years. The archives of this blog are a testament to that. But now that I don’t spend three hours each day lugging myself to and from my job, I have more time and energy. I get to spent it doing a thing a used to love.

Yours in hope and solitude*, D A Aset

*I got this phrase from The Island of Dr. Moreau. Fantastic Book. Highly recommend. Also, highly recommend Orphan Black (TV show). That’s where I got the idea to read The Island of Dr. Moreau.

I’m Not Buying Anything Pink

October is breast cancer awareness month.

I read this Vox article two years ago about pinkwashing and it stuck with me since. I noticed that there was suddenly pink and pink ribbon merchandise EVERYWHERE.

I noticed the same thing during Pride. Rainbows as far as the eye can see.

This October I want to take more conscious action. I have two goals: (1) to make a donation to a local group working to help BIPOC access breast cancer treatment and (2) to educate myself better on what breast cancer actually is, how it works, and the challenges patients face.

I just purchased a copy of Audre Lorde’s The Cancer Diaries. A new Penguin Classics edition was just released. I read Lorde’s Sister Outsider earlier this year and it changed my life. I expect nothing less from The Cancer Diaries. I hope reading this book will keep me focused on the actual people. People with breast cancer who are jumping through the three ring circus that is American healthcare to get treatment and live. I do not want to focus my attention or money on corporations who think “breast cancer pink” is the new way to sell everything.

Introducing Aset Editorial Services Part I

I thought I should do a series explaining myself and my business. I wanted to set expectations and provide some background, starting with the service that I am most excited to offer: resume editing and sculpting.

I have two degrees in journalism and media, but I had not been successful in finding a job in that field. Recession, down sizing, blah, blah. We’ve all heard the stories. In fact, I went to graduate school because I couldn’t find a job. #ImAMillennial

But I still needed to work, duh! So I reworked my resume to reflect a new, equally interesting field. I re-worded job experience to focus on universal skills and secured a position in sales operations. Operations was much more accessible to me and I’ve worked in this field for five years.

Dilane Mitchell standing at a podium and speaking into a microphone. Behind her is a screen that says, "Editing is a lifestyle."
During the ACES 2019 National Conference I presented a panel about how I made the transition from editing to sales operations. Photo Credit: Brenda Dunn, attendee.

I presented a panel about my transition at the 2019 ACES National Conference and wrote a follow-up article on the ACES website outlining a few tips to other editors who may also want to change careers. I had discussions with several of my peers who were looking to make a change.

I realize that there are many people who would like to change careers, but need assistance and guidance as to how to go about that process. I’m here to help. I am so excited to help guide others closer to a career of their dreams.